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Data Privacy

Puzzle Pieces...

Organizations want to keep their data safe. So, they encrypt files, folders and hard disks. And effective encryption protocols deployed with several tools have been observed. The data is safe, but what does this mean if the data needs to be collected for investigation?

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Data Analytics

Data In the Shadows...

Your data knows. Your data remembers. It's always there to be a gentle reminder. iDiscovery Solutions forensics managing consultant, Bobby Williams, offers insight on data snapshots and operating systems, the significance from a forensics perspective and what we can take away from all of this.

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Taking Advantage of an Emergent New Area of Evidence

Dan Regard, president and CEO of iDiscovery Solutions, discusses recent trends and innovations in the world of digital forensics and e-discovery, including the revolutionary role of contextual data in today’s legal strategies.

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Data Analytics

Structured Data Illuminates Facts Like Never Before

Jonathan Hurwitz, managing consultant at iDiscovery Solutions, talks about how structured data analysis is revolutionizing the process of discovery – even in cases where the client doesn’t realize how valuable it will be.

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Cybersecurity and Forensics Update From iDiscovery Solutions

CCBJ recently co-hosted a webinar with iDiscovery Solutions (iDS), which included insights from team members Jonathan Karchmer and Bobby Williams. The discussion was one that touched on developments in cybersecurity and forensics as well as best practices.

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Cybersecurity | Data Analytics

Can Reducing Risk Be Bad for Us? Yes, If Your Rules Lack Flexibility

Charlie Platt, Director of Data Analytics for iDS, resumes his Ethical Hacker column with a piece on how reducing cyber risk can get in the way of your business – that is, if your rules lack flexibility. The best way to implement successful cyber risk programs without hurting your business, he says, is to design them to adapt to dynamic business requirements by providing an approved exception process.

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Compliance Alone Does Not Guarantee Security

iDiscovery Solutions’ Director of Cybersecurity Robert Kirtley warns organizations not to confuse “security theater” with the type of user awareness training that can change risky behaviors and foster a culture of security.

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