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Nanotechnology: A New Force For Human Betterment - Part I

Editor: How would you describe the subject matter that nanotechnology covers? Rogers: First, everyone asks "what is nanotechnology?" Engineered nanotechnology is the creation of particles that are 1 to 100 nanometers in size. To put it into perspective, a human hair is 80,000...

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Wake Up And Smell The Information: How To Mitigate Privacy Breach Risks And Ensure Information Security

Organizations invest huge resources developing security policies and procuring protective technologies that point outwards at hackers, spyware and viruses. However, organizations are beginning to realize that there is another aspect to data security - the inside-out leakage of information. Not...

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Helping To Ensure The Success Of A Legal Department's Technology Solutions

Editor: What strategies do you recommend when a legal department is considering whether to extend its existing technology or to acquire new systems? Behnia: Assessing your existing solution is critical to your legal technology strategy. If your current technology is home-grown, chances are it...

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