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Facebook, Twitter And Social Media In The Workplace - Is The NLRB Your "Friend"?

With employees posting comments about their workplaces on Facebook, Twitter and other social media, employers face new and substantial risks when they attempt to regulate those communications through social media policies and disciplinary actions. Underscoring those risks, the National Labor...

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Workshare Point: Using Microsoft® Office To Manage Documents In SharePoint

Workshare Point is a desktop application to connect Microsoft ®Office users to SharePoint through integrated access via Outlook. The following report is based on a webinar presented February 8, 2011 by Workshare. The presenter was Kevin Docherty, Senior Product Manager. With 18,000-plus...

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Nanotechnology: A New Force For Human Betterment - Part II

Editor: Please discuss the recently published EPA Significant New Use Rule (SNUR) under the Toxic Substances Control Act for multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Rogers: Before the EPA announcement in January, 2010 concerning the proposed SNUR, a series of studies was done beginning in the United...

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