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Roundtable: Technology Offers Proactive And Defensive Solutions

Editor: The New York Times recently reported that the Internet - including the cloud and social media - has become a dangerous place. Do you agree? Resnick: Yes, the Internet can be downright deadly if your company does not have the proper policies and protocols in place to ensure that your...

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Preservation Duties May Extend To Unallocated Space On Computer Hard Drives: Genger v. TR Investors, LLC, et al.

Introduction The recent decision by the Delaware Supreme Court in Genger v. TR Investors, LLC, et al. , No. 592, 2010, 2011 WL 2802832 (Del. Jul. 18, 2011), highlights the increasing level of sophistication with respect to identifying and preserving electronically stored information ("...

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Reducing Cybersecurity Risks - Government And Business Working Together

Editor: Thank you, gentlemen, for sitting down with us and sharing your insights on the pressing issues of cybersecurity and data protection. Senator Menendez, let's start with you. With competing priorities like the economy and the ongoing wars to contend with, where do you see...

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