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The Answer To Soaring E-Discovery Costs

Ms. Brooks, a member of the California Bar Association based in Cypress, CA, and KPMG Director Priya Keshav worked with a client to prepare the White Paper "Software-assisted Document Review: An ROI Your GC Can Appreciate ." It compares actual legal case data reviewed through a...

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Computer Forensics Is Key For Thorough And Defensible Investigations

Editor: Tell us about your professional background. Gosalia: I am a senior managing director at FTI Consulting. I assist corporations and their outside counsel with a variety of matters, including investigations, litigations and antitrust cases, which involve the collection, analysis and...

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Compliance With The UK Bribery Act: Use Existing Technology To Solidify Your "Adequate Procedures" Affirmative Defense

Editor: How aware are U.S. companies of the requirements and scope of the UK Bribery Act? Mack: In my experience companies are not yet fully aware of the reach of the UK Bribery Act (the "Act"). Like with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the FCPA, the magnitude of the law will...

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