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Estate Planning For The Future: The Time To Act Is Now

Introduction Significant tax law changes are scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2013. Individuals should take advantage of unprecedented opportunities to transfer up to $5.12 million ($10.24 million for married couples) to family members (or others) free of federal gift tax and federal...

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Regulatory & Compliance

Preparing For The Possible Enactment Of Carried Interest Legislation

With the election settled, many clients are again asking about the President’s controversial proposal to change the taxation of “carried interest” and what, if anything, they can do to mitigate its potential effects. We cannot predict whether or when this proposal might be...

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The Birth Of A Major Player In The Tax Arena

Editor: WTAS is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Please tell our readers about the birth of WTAS on July 9, 2002. Who were some of the original ex-Arthur Andersen founders? What disciplines did they bring with them? From its early founding of only a few professionals, what is the size of the...

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