More Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) Articles


Say On Pay: Analyzing The Second Year Of Shareholder Votes

Executive compensation levels at public companies have been the focus of media headlines for a number of years. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 (Dodd-Frank) requires that public companies conduct shareholder advisory votes on executive compensation, generally...

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Finance | Private Equity

Employee Benefits: Not All Are Created Equal

In every instance of employment, a potentially significant difference exists between an employee’s take-home pay and the actual cost of employment to the employer. This difference may be greatly increased by the presence of employer-provided "fringe benefits" – non-wage...

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Maintaining Uniformity In Our Corporation Laws: The Unsung Labor Of The Corporate Laws Committee Of The American Bar Association’s Business Law Section

It is appropriate in this issue, which includes a focus on pro bono activities of all kinds, to cast a spotlight on the work of Corporate Laws Committee of the American Bar Association’s Business Law Section, which quietly and effectively helps shape the backdrop for the governance and...

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