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Finance | Private Equity

What’s Keeping U.S. Corporate Counsel Up At Night?

The Editor attended the Lawyers for Civil Justice 2011 Membership Meeting on November 30, 2011 – December 2, 2011. The following report covers a roundtable discussion on regulatory and document preservation challenges, including some proposed solutions. The panelists were Edward P. O’...

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National Nanny, Meet The First Amendment

Free markets are driven by consumer choice. Just as the right to vote is the core of our political democracy, the right to choose how our dollars are spent is central to economic liberty and the best allocation of productive resources. While no one questions that government should stay out of our...

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Private Equity

M&A And Antitrust: Present Challenges And Future Opportunities

Editor: What is the current environment for M&A involving U.S. companies, either as acquirers or as acquisition targets? In what industry sectors do you see the greatest M&A activity? D’Urso: Despite the fact that we are not technically in a recession (two consecutive quarters of...

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Board of Directors

In-Person Event: The Energy Industry ESG Leadership Forum


9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ET
