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Billion-Dollar Babies: Prosecutors go for big numbers to send a message about corruption

MCC: Companies faced record-high penalties in 2014 as a result of FCPA enforcement actions. What are companies being penalized for, and why have penalties skyrocketed? Walther: You’re correct that 2014 FCPA penalties were particularly large. Last year, FCPA penalties and disgorgement...

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Department of Justice (DOJ)

Pushing Back on Piling On: Heaping regulatory penalties on businesses that plead guilty may not be the answer

“A slap-on-the-wrist culture.” This is how Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), speaking publicly this spring, characterized recent decisions by the Department of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulators not to impose the most severe regulatory penalties...

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Ad Cops After Four Decades: Report finds self-regulation works, but popularity may lead to change

MCC: On April 15, a working group associated with the ABA released a report* evaluating the National Advertising Division (NAD) and the state of advertising self-regulation in the U.S. You led the group in these efforts. Please tell us why and how the project got off the ground. Villafranco:...

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In-Person Event: The Energy Industry ESG Leadership Forum


9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ET
