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Book Review: More Critical Acclaim For Commercial Litigation Treatise

The Third Edition of Commercial Litigation in New York State Courts was published in 2010. The Thomson Reuters Column in our December 2011 issue of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel noted that book reviews of the Third Edition have been published in legal newspapers, bar journals and other...

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Rules-Based Coding Avoids Risks And Landmines In Predictive Coding

Editor: ZyLAB has been on the forefront of using computers to reduce clients’ costs of e-discovery. How does Zylab view predictive coding? Mack: It’s first-generation technology that is presently in the early-adopter phase. The next generation of predictive coding will be much less...

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The Rise And Possible Fall Of Class Actions In False Advertising Litigation

Section 43(a) of the Lanham Act (the “Act”) limits standing to sue for false advertising to competitors and others who claim to have suffered competitive injury as a result of the defendant’s advertising. Consumers do not have standing under the Act.[1] Damages are seldom...

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