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Civil Justice

LCJ: 25 Years Of Defense Bar Leadership And Partnering With The Corporate Community

What prompted the formation of LCJ 25 years ago? Morrison: The IADC (International Association of Defense Counsel), DRI (Defense Research Institute), the FDCC (Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel) and the ADTA (Association of Defense Trial Attorneys) all got together and said, you...

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Civil Justice

Explaining To Your CEO Why Your Budget Is So High And What You Are Doing About It

Remember that sunny morning when you came back to work after a glorious summer vacation on Nantucket? The gloom first began to gather when your CEO asked you to come to her office. You knew from her grim expression that something bad was about to happen. And it did! She said in a gruff tone,...

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Trends In Legal Technology: An Ever-Evolving Toolkit

Editor: Tell us about your professional background. Pittman: Academically my background is primarily in economics, with some computer science thrown in for good measure. I started out in financial systems and then moved into the commodities trading industry – consulting with trading...

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