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FCPA Defendants: “May Their Sins Be Forgotten?”

As is well recognized, anticorruption investigations can take years to complete and often concern conduct in the distant past. The antibribery and accounting provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”) do not specify a statute of limitations. Accordingly, the five-year...

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Defending Fracking Lawsuits

Introduction Between mainstream movies starring Matt Damon,[1] documentaries[2] and counter-documentaries,[3] media coverage of drilling-related earthquake activity,[4] and celebrity protests at the White House,[5] hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” is one of the most controversial...

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Bankruptcy & Restructuring

Forensic Experts Weigh In On Litigation Costs

Editor: Please give us an overview of the financial aspects of litigation. Where can surprise costs arise? Mukamal: The key financial aspects of litigation obviously include legal fees and ancillary costs, such as travel, court reporters and expert witness fees; however, parties often overlook...

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