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EU Businesses Should Prepare For That Dawn Raid

Recently, the American Bar Association’s Criminal Justice Committee’s 2014 International CLE Program was presented at the law office of NautaDutilh in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The theme of this year’s program was “White Collar Crime and Regulatory Trends in the EU and U...

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Andrea Looney Named Executive Director Of Lawyers For Civil Justice

As a partnership of leading corporate counsel and defense bar practitioners, LCJ forges alliances among its members and works to restore and maintain balance in the civil justice system. The LCJ Board of Directors unanimously voted in favor of bringing Andrea on to lead LCJ into a new era of...

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Nonparty Subpoenas: Why The Requestor Should Pay

Your client has just been served with a nonparty subpoena seeking broad categories of electronic documents and emails over many years. The mere search, review, and production of such ESI will be costly and time-consuming. The first question many clients ask is, who’s paying for this? As...

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