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Civil Justice Playbook: The Give and the Get of M&A Suits: Practitioners should expect that disclosure-only settlements will be met with continued disfavor.

Perverse. Frivolous. Collusive. Wasteful. Pointless. Stinky. Excessive. Worthless. Horse hockey. No, we’re not talking about the U.S. presidential election. These are judges and commentators characterizing disclosure-only settlements of M&A litigation, which, in no small part due to the...

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Corporate Counsel

Reaching Common Ground on E-Discovery: Closing the perception gap between inside and outside counsel drives better results

When an in-house legal team works with outside counsel, there is often a disconnect between technology and e-discovery. In-house counsel perceives outside counsel as unnecessarily expansive, while outside counsel perceives the in-house team as overly targeted and budget-focused. Laura Kibbe of RVM...

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International Investigations: Winning The Away Game: Complexity of cross-border investigations places a premium on assembling the right team with the right expertise

David DiBari, Clifford Chance’s Americas Head of the Litigation & Dispute Resolution practice, shares his game plan for approaching cross-border investigations. He is joined by colleagues from international offices of the firm, including London and Hong Kong, who provide their region-...

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