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Washington Legal Foundation Media Briefing; The October 2010 Term: U.S. Supreme Court Wrap-Up

Thornburgh: We shall discuss the general tone and tenor of the Court's October 2010 term. Keisler: There is an emerging debate regarding this term's general tenor - whether the Court is "pro-business" and to what extent its decisions shed light on that perspective. While the...

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Commercial Litigation in New York State Courts (3rd Edition)

The expanded six-volume third edition of Commercial Litigation in New York State Courts updates and improves an already important and comprehensive treatise for practitioners of all levels of experience. The first edition, published in 1995, consisted of three volumes and quickly became a much-...

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Insurance Coverage & Recovery

Second Circuit: D&O Insurance Covers Subpoenas, Special Litigation Committees And Independent Consultants

Policyholders were recently granted a sweeping victory on critical issues of insurance coverage for subpoenas and securities-related costs in the Second Circuit's MBIA Inc. v. Federal Insurance July 1, 2011, opinion. Perhaps most importantly, the court resolved in MBIA's favor the long-...

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