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Can You Survive A Fraud Investigation? Part 2: A Practical Guide To Responding To Government Investigations

Part I of this article appeared in the March, 2012 issue of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel and can be found here. Learning that your company is the subject – or worse, the target – of a government investigation can be an alarming and momentous event. Government...

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Modular Technology Enables Integrated, Defensible eDiscovery Solutions

Editor: Please tell us about VeDISCOVERY’s history. Why did the company decide to split from Visual Evidence? Wetzel: In an ever-changing and still-developing industry, I am proud to say that Visual Evidence/VeDISCOVERY is celebrating its 25th anniversary of providing litigation support...

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Predictive Coding: Serving Corporate Counsel’s E-Discovery, Compliance And Other IM Needs

Editor: Recommind has had a big year. Please bring us up to speed on what’s happened in 2011. Carpenter: 2011 for Recommind was really a watershed year. We had spent the preceding years building up our infrastructure, getting our name out there and laying the foundation for rapid growth....

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