More Litigation Funding Articles

Litigation Funding

Landmark Bill Would Pull Back Curtain on Secretive Lawsuit Funding Deals

U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA), along with Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Thom Tillis (R-NC), introduced the Litigation Funding Transparency Act (LFTA), a landmark bill to help bring the multi-billion dollar litigation financing industry out of the shadows. This...

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Corporate Counsel

Change Is Coming: The Evolution Of E-Discovery Economics

Litigation has transformed over the past two decades from discovering documents in file cabinets to discovering a smoking gun in an email or Twitter posting. Nearly all information in today's digital world is created and maintained exclusively in electronic form. This deluge of data has...

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Litigation Funding

Shining A Light On The Lawsuit Loan Industry

In January the New York Times scrutinized the increasingly influential lawsuit loan industry with a story entitled "Lawsuit Loans Add New Risk for the Injured." It brought significant if unwelcomed new attention to a growing group of litigation financing companies that had largely...

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