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Legal Operations

The Core of Correlation

Managers of law departments (and of law firms) often believe that there is an identifiable connection between one set of numbers and another. Perhaps they sense that the size of the plaintiff’s law firm has some bearing on the cost of defending a lawsuit; they feel the number of patents...

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Information Governance Insights: Measuring the True Costs of E-Discovery

Taming budgets has long been a primary goal of all corporate legal departments. To this end, many companies have begun taking cost-cutting measures such as reducing the number of law firms they work with, developing alternative fee arrangements and putting pressure on firms to reduce their hourly...

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Automatically Assembling Agreements: There’s software that can free up lawyers to do the real work

I’m going to ask you a question. Your answer probably determines how you feel about the future of practicing law and using legal technology. Think of yourself falling along a continuum. If you fall at one end, you’re in a group of lawyers who believe that any given legal matter is an...

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