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Wowed by Wizardry? Clients want practical tools for typical problems

MCC: What was the basis for establishing UBIC’s review center in Washington, D.C.? Guttman: There were two major considerations. The first relates to our reading of the D.C. market. Given the high volume of cases that are regulatory in nature, it’s important to have a local presence...

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Legal Operations

The Mojo in the Metrics: Validate law department value by adopting the right metrics

Is your corporate law department sometimes viewed more as a cost center than as a key contributor to the company’s operational efficiency? It’s a common situation. Turning that perception on its head requires heavy lifting on the part of general counsels and law department operations...

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Legal Operations

And the Survey Says: What Clients Want

Our readers, mainly general counsel and their in-house colleagues, may be the most probed, prodded, poked and petitioned cohort since the Royal Family. From BTI to ACC to Corporate Counsel to Acritas to KPMG to Inside Counsel to Consero to Chambers to scores of feedback-hungry law firms (and their...

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