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Civil Justice Playbook: The Give and the Get of M&A Suits: Practitioners should expect that disclosure-only settlements will be met with continued disfavor.

Perverse. Frivolous. Collusive. Wasteful. Pointless. Stinky. Excessive. Worthless. Horse hockey. No, we’re not talking about the U.S. presidential election. These are judges and commentators characterizing disclosure-only settlements of M&A litigation, which, in no small part due to the...

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Information Governance

Peeling the Onion: Six steps to optimize the data mining process

With the legal industry buzzing about metrics and analytics, corporate legal professionals are eager to get their hands on more information. Rather than diving blindly into the data that is housed in their enterprise legal management solution, a better approach involves identifying, first and...

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Turning Great Strategy into Great Success: NetApp works hard at getting the hard part – such as metrics – right

My last column described how Silicon Valley’s NetApp Inc. has stepped on the accelerator in its drive to create a world-class legal department – one powered by smart technology decisions, first-rate metrics and a deep commitment to satisfying its clients inside and outside the company....

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