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Making a Federal Case Out of It: When trade secrets go walking out the door, employers have a new vehicle to try to get them back

The reality for almost every business is that not all of its employees are going to be happy in their jobs and that, at any given time, one or more is going to be seeking greener pastures. Many times those pastures are owned by competitors, and any business owner or CEO who fails to anticipate and...

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The Ethical Hacker: Key Employee Departures Can Leave Danger In Their Wake

It happens to us all. We thought things were going great, and then the unexpected. There’s someone else. I’m not happy anymore. I need something more, or our long-term plans are incompatible. Whatever the reason, critical and important employees leave organizations. When this happens,...

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Key Considerations in Pay Equity and Compliance: What efforts are required to close the wage gap?

You have probably heard that women are paid less than men in the United States. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual earnings of women who work full time is less than 80 percent of the median earnings of full-time male workers. Most would agree that this pay gap is largely...

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