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Insurance Coverage & Recovery

Mitigating Employee Fraud – Be Aware Of The Signposts

As the economy continues slowly down the road to recovery, business leaders need to be more aware of the signposts of fraud in their employees. Owners and managers have reduced the recession’s impact on the bottom line by making their organizations run efficiently. They have closely managed...

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Recent Developments In Healthcare Industry Wage And Hour Litigation

Within the past few years, the dramatic increase in wage and hour litigation has enveloped the hospital industry. Hospitals have been the target of wage and hour lawsuits challenging policies that automatically deduct meal periods from compensable time. Such suits are now the predominant wage and...

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Labor & Employment

Taking the Right Path to Job Growth

Ask just about anyone in America today what they view as the top issue facing the country and you’re likely to hear one word: jobs. With an unemployment rate stuck above nine percent, the question of how to create more jobs is indeed a pressing one. Although many different proposals have...

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Board of Directors

In-Person Event: The Energy Industry ESG Leadership Forum


9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ET
