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Department of Justice (DOJ)

Pushing Back on Piling On: Heaping regulatory penalties on businesses that plead guilty may not be the answer

“A slap-on-the-wrist culture.” This is how Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), speaking publicly this spring, characterized recent decisions by the Department of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulators not to impose the most severe regulatory penalties...

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Managing Distributors and Third-Party Intermediaries: Coping with the long arm of FCPA enforcement

MCC: Starting with the basics. How do you define a “third-party intermediary”? McCann: Most companies struggle with the simple definition of a third-party intermediary (“TPI”) as they evaluate their intermediary relationship populations and the associated risks. One of...

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Food & Beverage

Straight Talk About the Food & Beverage Industry: Inconsistency with a dash of rigor is a bad regulatory recipe for manufacturers

MCC: Can you talk to us about the most common issues currently facing your food and beverage clients, and what the key challenges will be over the next 12 to 24 months? Graham: There are a few things. First, from more of a macro perspective, there may be the passage of laws at the state and...

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