More International Trade Articles

International Trade

Dubai International Financial Center – Entrance To The Global Economy

Editor: Please tell our readers about the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), including its mission and services to U.S. and multinational corporations. Ali: The DIFC is designed to afford multinational banks, financial institutions and investment companies, law firms, accounting firms...

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International Trade

Navigating The Complex Web Of U.S. Sanctions And Embargoes Affecting Trade, Including With The Middle East

Editor: Please tell us about your background and experience. Biros: For nearly 25 years I’ve been a defense attorney. Prior to that, I was an investigative attorney for the U.S. Senate Watergate Committee, which investigated President Nixon. I served in the Pennsylvania Attorney General...

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International Trade

The Senate Passes Legislation To Apply The Trade Laws To Chinese Currency Practices

The Senate, with strong bipartisan support, recently passed legislation to address currency manipulation by countries that significantly undervalue their currency. The bill, known as the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2011 (S. 1619), is designed to address currency manipulation...

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