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Intellectual Property

Reaping The Full Benefits Of Intellectual Property

Most Americans are unaware that intellectual property-intensive businesses account for nearly $6 trillion in value added, roughly equivalent to 40 percent of the U.S. GDP and greater than the GDP of any other nation in the world other than China. The opportunities contained in intellectual...

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Navigating Through Today’s High-Tech IP Thicket

Editor: Please describe your role in your firm and your practice area. Perry: I wear different hats. I am the managing partner of the New York office. I also sit on the firm’s policy committee, which is what some people call a management committee. It’s the committee that runs the...

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Defending Against The New Wave Of Food Misbranding Litigation

Recent months have witnessed a surge in class action complaints alleging that food labeling is deceptive or in violation of applicable regulations. The dramatic increase in litigation may at first glance seem counterintuitive, since there have not been any radical changes in how food...

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