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Intellectual Property

Creating, Building And Protecting A Strong And Memorable Brand

Editor: Please tell us about your practice. Klein: My practice focuses on trademark and copyright law and also covers a wide variety of issues relating to social media, data protection and privacy, rights of publicity and unfair competition. I have a very practical, business-oriented approach,...

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Attacked On All Fronts: FTC Defends Authority To Sue Companies That Are Victims Of Hacking For “Unfair” Security Practices

Getting hacked by Russian hackers three times in two years has turned out to be only half of the problem for Wyndham Worldwide Corporation. The Federal Trade Commission, in a broad interpretation of the authority granted to it by Congress, brought suit against the hotel franchiser on August 9,...

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Intellectual Property

Managing Intellectual Property In A Knowledge Economy

Securing protection and commercializing IP are key considerations in a knowledge-driven economy. This characterization of our economy embraces knowledge as the driver of productivity and economic growth and is reinforced by the use of information, technology and learning in economic performance....

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