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Insurance Coverage & Recovery

Proactive Risk Management: How Technology Can Help You Identify Hidden Risks And Reveal Warnings Of A Potential Corporate Crisis

Today's corporate environment is lucrative and fast-paced but swamped with ever-evolving regulations and compliance guidelines. Every industry has a spider web of regulatory standards that must be followed – no matter the size of the corporation or its location. Refusal to follow...

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10 Tips For Enhancing Insurance Recoveries For Cyber Claims

The Massive & Ever-Increasing Risk 2014 has seen one massive data breach after another, affecting industries and organizations of every type. One recent report indicated an Eastern European cyber-crime gang by itself has hacked 1.2 billion username and password combinations. Another report...

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Cyber Insurance: The Basics Of The Coverage

In the time it took to research and draft this article, approximately two months, three major cyber attacks were reported in the news. The most recent was the Heartbleed bug, which was dubbed the biggest security threat the world had ever seen. These attacks do more than threaten both business...

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