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Crisis Management

Show Me the Money

Though we are observing the beginnings of states beginning to open back up, there is still caution and a fear that we could find ourselves in a recurring COVID-19 season in the near future. And with economists estimating a full recovery still a while away, employees, clients and vendors should have an idea of what to do if the money runs out.

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The Virtues of Virtual ADR

The experience gained from a crisis often can prove meaningful – and even transformative – as adaptive changes, which otherwise may have evolved at a slower pace, are accelerated.

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Legal Tech

The Expanding Remit of the Corporate Legal Department

Bill Piwonka, chief marketing officer at Exterro, discusses key ways that legal departments have evolved in the last decade, including operational and process changes, technological advancements, and the new role of the general counsel.

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Recent Innovation Video

Corporate Counsel

Legal Leadership in the Next New Normal, An Interview with Ralph Baxter