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How Workshare’s Professional 8 Is Reinventing The Way Corporate Counsels Work

Editor: Why is data security and privacy in the news so much at the moment? What’s changed? Hadfield: The volume of documents being shared electronically is increasing, of course, but what’s changed is the level of awareness around the security risks posed when sharing a document,...

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Data Privacy – The Year 2013 Has Become 1984

Editor: In view of your more than 13 years in the field of data analysis, advance search technologies and data production, what is your assessment of the security surrounding the NSA’s data collection techniques in view of the Edward Snowden revelations? Matzen: As far as the security...

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Cybersecurity Issues: An Overview

Editor: What experience do you have in dealing with cybersecurity issues? Johnson: Prior to joining Jones Day, I was a federal prosecutor in the Eastern District of Texas. I handled a variety of cases and investigations there, including white-collar fraud and identity theft. I also...

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