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Board of Directors

Top 10 Topics for Directors

Top 10 Topics for Directors Strategic Planning Challenges: For the fourth year in a row, strategic planning tops the list. Overseeing the company’s direction is a core board responsibility, often requiring directors to step back and look at the company’s business from the...

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Information Governance

Avoiding an Information Crisis: A Practical Guide to Strategically Reducing Corporate Data

Introduction Information governance is the topic du jour in many circles of the electronic discovery world, yet defining information governance (IG) is not so simple. The Sedona Conference defines IG as "an organization’s coordinated, interdisciplinary approach to satisfying...

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Information Governance: A “Must Have” Tool

Editor: What are some of the common information governance challenges that your clients are talking about? Frazier: Depending on which executive officer is speaking, there are two sets of challenges: cost and risk. A CIO, COO or CFO is focused on the cost of information and pressures resulting...

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