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Avoid Costly Mistakes Through Compliance with INA’s Anti-Discrimination Provisions

Introduction Since 2009, the Department of Justice’s Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC) has been increasing steadily its enforcement of the anti-discriminatory provisions under the Immigration and Nationality Act. Created by the Immigration...

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Federal Immigration Controlled Substance Considerations in the Age of State Marijuana Laws

Roger[1] is a native and citizen of Canada. His entire family resides in the United States and is in the process of adjusting to lawful permanent resident status. Roger also suffers from severe anxiety, and as a result, he received a doctor-prescribed medical marijuana card. Occasionally, he uses...

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Executive Action on Immigration: What Employers Can Expect

On November 20 and 21, President Obama announced his plan to use executive action to reform the U.S. immigration system, in response to years of gridlock in Congress and mounting pressure from immigration advocacy groups. The principal focus of the anticipated reforms is relief for an estimated 4...

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