More Immigration Articles


Mandatory E-Verify: One Step Closer to Reality?

On September 22, the House Judiciary Committee approved the Legal Workforce Act, a bill that would require nearly all employers in the United States to use E-Verify, the federal online employment eligibility verification system. With numerous and powerful supporters, the bill could move closer to...

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The Three Biggest Challenges And Solutions For U.S. Companies Seeking To Attract The Best And Brightest Global Talent

The immigration programs of U.S. employers are often managed by human resources or global mobility departments; however, it is crucial that in-house counsel also play a role in ensuring that their immigration programs are smoothly run and legally sound.Complex regulations, government...

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Staying Out Of Jail - Renewed Emphasis On Immigration Compliance

Immigration reform is likely to be a key issue in the upcoming presidential election. Already, some Republican presidential candidates are calling for a substantial increase in the enforcement of federal immigration laws, including those against employers hiring unauthorized aliens. Similarly, as...

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