More Immigration Articles


Immigration Reform: Striking While The Iron Is Hot

On November 6, 2012, the people of the United States reelected President Barack Obama. Almost immediately, Republicans and Democrats alike began their post-election analysis of the electorate and came to the same conclusion: With 71 percent of Hispanics supporting the President and his pro-...

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The Supreme Court Speaks Out On Immigration

Editor: Please tell our readers about your background, especially your time as General Counsel of INS, before joining the Fragomen firm. What areas of immigration law do you presently cover as a member of the firm? Cooper: I've spent almost all of my professional career in immigration law,...

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Immigration Legislation in the Lame Duck Session? Yes

Once the hard-fought Presidential and Congressional elections are over and winners have been declared, attention will rightfully focus on the new Congress (and perhaps Administration) that will take office in January. President Obama and Governor Romney presented voters with divergent plans for...

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