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Going Mobile: In-country review tames the “border” in cross-border FCPA Discovery
MCC: The SEC and the DOJ have stepped up investigation and enforcement activities in connection with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), imposing record-breaking penalties in a number of recent actions. From your perspective on the e-discovery front, what challenges do you encounter in...
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Find Waldo in Cyberspace: Forensic detective work meets digital media IP litigation
You don’t have to have been around in the days of TV with only 13 channels and news cycles measured in days rather than minutes to have noticed the rapid and wide-ranging expansion of digital media in recent years – from the continued development of blogging and other forms of citizen...
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Mind Over Data: Defensibility and flexibility are the heart of discovery project management
MCC: Please describe the role of a project manager. Mancuso: A project manager (PM) serves as the liaison between a client’s needs and obligations as they relate to a particular discovery matter and the delivery of our work product. PMs are responsible for shepherding communications, both...
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