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How E-Discovery Counsel Makes A Difference

Editor: Please tell readers about your practice as E-Discovery Counsel at Kramer Levin. Schulman : I am the firm's point person for legal issues relating to the preservation, review and production of electronic documents, and I act as a resource for both attorney teams and clients who...

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The View From An Innovator In E-Discovery And Document Review

Editor: Please give our readers an overview of your career and background. Prasad: I am the founder and CEO of Discovery Services LLC, which is a managed document review, contract attorney staffing and electronic discovery company. Prior to founding the company in 2008, I was litigation...

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Corporate Counsel

E-Discovery Cost-Shifting

Electronic discovery costs continue to rise. Litigants are forever seeking ways to reduce e-discovery costs across all phases of the process. An attractive option for big companies with voluminous electronically stored information (ESI) is to attempt to shift e-discovery costs to the opponent....

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