More Data Privacy Articles

Data Privacy

The Weak Link - How Safe Are Outside Counsel’s Data Security Systems?

Even in today's sophisticated, technological world, there is never any guarantee that security systems are safe. Richard Levick, Chairman and CEO of Levick, offers his take on the current state of data security and the questions that law firms should be asking themselves.

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Department of Justice (DOJ)

Data Retention, Self-Disclosure and Controlling the Story

How to make sure your company doesn’t run afoul of the FCPA – and the best ways to navigate a government investigation if faced with one.

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California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

European-Style Privacy Laws Come to the U.S.

Barnes & Thornburg partner Brian McGinnis and associate Adam Gajadharsingh discuss the legal implications of the various new data privacy laws that American companies now must contend with.

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