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Healthcare: A Special Area For Privacy And Data Protection

Editor: Please tell our readers about your practice. Klein: I advise clients primarily in the health, technology, professional sports and insurance industries on best practices and compliance with state and federal privacy and data protection laws. Clients typically approach me with privacy and...

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Cloud-Computing Risks: Due Diligence And Insurance

Presently, there is heavy pressure to migrate company data to the cloud. Individuals already shift a large amount of their data to “the cloud” in the form of family photos, vacation videos, contact information, and music. Shifting sensitive business information to the cloud, however,...

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First Circuit Decision Opens The Door For Data Breach Suits

Businesses may wish to take special note of the First Circuit's October 20 decision in Anderson v. Hannaford Brothers Co. (2011 U.S. App. Lexis 21239), because it could well open the door for class actions against companies that suffer data breaches. Thus, it may signal an end to the...

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