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The FTC’s Data Privacy Enforcement: A Wake-Up Call For U.S. Companies

With the recent data privacy breaches affecting consumers in the United States – look no further than Target’s credit card debacle leading to the resignation of the retailer’s chief executive officer – data privacy appears to be a current focal point for the U.S. Federal...

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Data Security – The Risk Management You Cannot Afford To Ignore

The growing threat of cyber-related/electronic data security breaches and the attendant risk of liability and loss should compel companies in all industries to be evermore vigilant with their processes and procedures to protect against such breaches and to have a well-developed response protocol...

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To Guard Against Cyber Attack, Test Your Defenses

Editor: Please give our readers a brief overview of your professional background. Luehr: I am managing director and chief privacy officer for Stroz Friedberg. I started my legal career at the Federal Trade Commission, where I chaired the Internet Coordinating Committee and was one of the early...

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