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Russian Hackers Stockpile Over One Billion Internet Credentials

A Russian hacking group reportedly engaged in the largest-known cyber attack by amassing over 1.2 billion unique sets of usernames and passwords and 500 million e-mail addresses from more than 420,000 web and FTP sites. The attack was uncovered by Hold Security, an information security company...

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GC And CCO Collaboration Critical To Mitigate Cybersecurity Risks

Managing cybersecurity risk has become a necessity for boards and C-suite executives, paving a critical role for chief compliance officers in this area. Organizations are also facing increased legal cyber obligations, requiring general counsel to be actively engaged in cybersecurity planning and...

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GCs As Firewalls: Three Familiar Roles That Place General Counsel Squarely At The Cybersecurity Table

“Firewalls provide protection against outside attackers by shielding your computer or network from malicious or unnecessary Internet traffic. Firewalls can be configured to block data from certain locations while allowing the relevant and necessary data through.”[1] Cyber...

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