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Lessons from the Coach’s Launch—Part III: Finding Your Flow

In part three of his blog post, Robert Mannino, director of Major Lindsey & Africa's in-house counsel recruiting team, addresses the similarities of his in-house career and the lessons he learned as a New England rowing coach.

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Lessons From the Coaching Launch Part II: Goal Setting and Process Planning

Any athlete who has Olympic-level ambitions requires the support and guidance of a coach who will take the appropriate steps to help them achieve their goals. Like a coach, a legal team leader should be listening to their attorney's short-and long-term goals and desires and taking the necessary steps to help them reach those milestones.

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Career Development

Lessons From the Coaching Launch: The X Factor

The connections between sports and the working world are far from tenuous. In fact, there are many overlaps. For example, from a management perspective, the role of the coach and the general counsel are very similar when it comes to leading their teams. A coach must be a teacher, mentor and counselor, leading by example, actively listening and communicating effectively, and setting expectations. Sound familiar?

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Corporate Counsel

Legal Leadership in the Next New Normal, An Interview with Ralph Baxter