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Civil Justice

Observations On Policy Issues Discussed At The Lawyers For Civil Justice November Meeting

Editor: Tell us about us about your practice and your association with LCJ and with DRI. Martin: I have been a defense lawyer for over 30 years, handling primarily cases involving airlines, aviation products and pharmaceutical products and defending law firms in legal malpractice cases. I...

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Civil Justice

A Defensible, Secure And Fixed-Cost Managed Review Solution

Editor: Please provide a brief review of TechLaw Solutions’ core services and your client base. Thacher: We are a full-service e-discovery hosting and processing company that focuses on managed review and operates under a fixed-price model. As a managed review provider, we organize all...

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Civil Justice

LCJ: 25 Years Of Defense Bar Leadership And Partnering With The Corporate Community

What prompted the formation of LCJ 25 years ago? Morrison: The IADC (International Association of Defense Counsel), DRI (Defense Research Institute), the FDCC (Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel) and the ADTA (Association of Defense Trial Attorneys) all got together and said, you...

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