In House Warrior

The Ukraine Crisis Requires an Immediate Assessment of IP Risks with Rob Sterne of Sterne Kessler with Host Richard Levick of LEVICK


Robert Sterne, who is a director of Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox in the Electronics Practice Group and co-chairs the firm’s Patent Office Litigation Practice, speaks with host Richard Levick of LEVICK about his latest weekly letter, this one on the Ukraine crisis and the unique IP risks it presents. He points out that the Ukraine crisis requires an immediate assessment of a company’s IP risks associated with the R&D, manufacturing, supply and distribution chains of enterprises. The enterprise IP professional must work with her management counterparts and consultants in examining the IP plan to understand and make recommendations to senior management of the detected risks due to these unprecedented world events. This IP plan assessment will provide senior management with a risk map and possible strategies and tactics for risk reductions. His advice to inhouse counsel is that nearly every aspect of the enterprise is going to be impacted so you need to act now. To subscribe to his insider letter, you can email Rob at [email protected].

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The Ukraine Crisis Requires an Immediate Assessment of IP Risks with Rob Sterne of Sterne Kessler with Host Richard Levick of LEVICK