Smart Grid Technologies, Legal Issues Explored In ACC Seminar

The Cleantech Committee of the ACC San Francisco Bay Area has scheduled a lunchtime meeting, Innovative Smart Grid Technologies and the Legal Issues They Face, on Thursday, September 9.

The meeting is being sponsored by Morrison Foerster and will be held at their Offices, 755 Page Mill Road in Palo Alto. Lunch begins at 11:30 and the meeting runs from noon to 1:30 p.m.

Speakers Tessa Schwartz and Dian Grueneich, both partners at Morrison Foerster, will join Ellen Brodbine, senior counsel, Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. and others to explore some of the hottest Smart Grid technologies being developed today and the legal issues facing the sector. They will try to answer the following questions: What financing exists to fund the build out of the Smart Grid and how might different financing models impact the industry? What privacy and information security issues are arising in connection with the Smart Grid among consumers, regulators, utilities, service providers and other stakeholders and how is the industry addressing them? What policies and economic trends have begun to stimulate and drive U.S. investments in Smart Grid technologies? How are other countries, especially China and Japan, approaching Smart Grid infrastructure?

For information see CLE Events on The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel website at

To make a reservation for this program, visit or email [email protected].