The San Francisco Bar Association has scheduled an MCLE luncheon event to discuss antitrust issues.
Settling, or Not Settling, Antitrust Cases will run from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the BASF Conference Center, 301 Battery Street in San Francisco.
Judith Zahid of Zelle Hoffman Voelbel & Mason LLP will moderate a discussion that covers the following topics: the critical considerations in deciding whether to settle an antitrust case; the right time to settle the case; positioning the case for settlement; what works in a mediation; tools that can be used to apportion the settlement in a multi-defendant case; and the settlement alternatives to cash.
The panelists will be Penelope Preovolos, Morrison & Foerster LLP; Joel Sanders, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP; Francis Scarpulla, Zelle Hoffman Voelbel &Mason; and Hon. Daniel Weinstein (ret.), JAMS.
For information about available CLE credits and fees, see CLE Events on The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel website at
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