Philadelphia Lunch Program: Avoiding Pitfalls Of Social Media

On Wednesday, August 24, the Pennsylvania Bar Institute will offer a one-hour seminar examining the benefits and pitfalls of lawyers using social media titled Social Media for Lawyers: Darned if You Do, Darned if You Don't?It will be held at PBI's CLE Conference Center in the Wanamaker Building in central Philadelphia. It begins at 1:00 and ends at 2:00 p.m.

There is a steady stream of news stories involving social media snafus. Legal professionals are not immune to these mistakes. To the contrary, social media has proved to be a breeding ground for breeches of confidentiality and other ethical missteps. Attendees will learn the ethical issues in both using and avoiding social media. This session is designed to make attorneys aware of the potential landmines involved in the use and avoidance of social media tools - some obvious and some less obvious. The session is appropriate for both the Facebook novice and the seasoned lawyer using a social network.

For information about available CLE credits and fees, see CLE Events on The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel website at

To register, visit or call (800) 932-4637.