ALI-ABA Program Guides Attorneys On LinkedIn Use

On Thursday, August 18, The American Law Institute-American Bar Association is offering a review of social media for attorneys titled LinkedIn for Lawyers: A Practical Guide to the No. 1 Social Media Tool.

It is a live telephone seminar with live audio webcast to any computer, starting at 1:00 p.m. and ending at 2:30 p.m. EST.

Many lawyers now have a profile on LinkedIn, but do they really know what to do with their account? This seminar will offer tips on how to leverage the world's largest professional network to boost a practice and profile. The webinar will offer strategies for using LinkedIn's many proactive features to connect with referral sources, former classmates, former practice colleagues, peers, experts and others in effective and mutually beneficial ways.

Topics include understanding the many ways lawyers are using LinkedIn and the way that would work best for individual practice; designing and optimizing a LinkedIn profile to create a strong professional and social media presence; and using powerful advanced features of LinkedIn that many users are not even aware of.

The speakers are Michelle Golden, president, Golden Practices, Inc.; Dennis Kennedy, technology column writer, ABA Journal; and Allison C. Shields, president of Legal Ease Consulting, Inc.

For information see CLE Events on The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel website at

To register for this event, visit or call 1 (800) 253-6397.