Articles & Interviews


Beyond Cost Savings: How Advanced Analytics In E-Discovery May Be Pivotal To Successful Case Outcomes

Editor: Please tell us about your background, as well as your role at Xerox. Kuhlmann: I’ve been in the e-discovery business for about 25 years, and for the last four I’ve been with Lateral Data, where I am the vice president of business development. I work closely with clients to...

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Establishing A Defensible Approach To Technology-Assisted Review

The Limits Of Traditional Document Review In Electronic Discovery In the era of Big Data, litigation and investigations involving the collection and review of a terabyte of data or more are no longer uncommon. Technology has made it too simple to create and retain virtually limitless...

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Integrating Managed Review With Proven E-Discovery Capabilities

Editor: Tell us about your background and professional experience. Gibbons: I’m a litigator by training and have substantial litigation and compliance experience, both at law firms and in-house. In early 2001, Kaye Scholer engaged me to provide pretrial discovery and litigation support...

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