David R. Singh

Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP

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Recently by David R. Singh


Anticipating The Inevitable: What Every Company Should Think About Before A Data Breach Occurs

Introduction Businesses today collect ever-increasing amounts of personal information about their customers, from account passwords and email addresses to highly sensitive medical and financial information. Well-funded, sophisticated hackers are always looking for ways to obtain such...

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The Ascertainability Requirement For Class Certification: Origins And Applications

Class certification is a watershed moment in high-stakes class action litigation. For defendants, class certification can represent the difference between being forced to proceed with a “bet the company” trial or to negotiate a settlement with little leverage, on the one hand,...

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Hangarter v. The Paul Revere Life Ins. Co.: Will The Northern District Of California's Decision Allow CAFA's State Action Exception To Swallow The Rule?

Since the Class Action Fairness Act ("CAFA") became effective on February 18, 2005, more than twenty insurance companies have removed class action lawsuits to federal court under CAFA's jurisdictional provisions, and many of these companies have successfully defeated attempts to have cases remanded...

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