UK Trade & Investment

Articles & Interviews

International Trade

A Rich And Diverse Market, The UK Offers Great Promise For Business

Editor: Welcome back, Consul-General Lopez. Please tell us about any new developments in the UK’s economic and business environment since we spoke last year. Lopez: Thank you very much. It’s great to speak with The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel again. 2012 was an amazing year for...

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International Trade

UK Business Environment: Positive And Forward-Looking

Editor: Please discuss the current economic and business environment in the UK. Lopez: Despite the current global economic turmoil and unique economic challenges currently faced by Europe, the UK business environment remains positive, forward-looking and open for business. The UK government is...

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Corporate Counsel

Transatlantic Business: Going For Gold

Editor: Please describe your previous experience in the British diplomatic service. When did you become Consul General in New York and Director General of UK Trade & Investment in the U.S.? Sir Alan: I assumed my post in New York in January of 2007 following four years as the British High...

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