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U.S. Data Privacy Laws from CPRA to VCDPA: What Recently Passed, How State Laws Differ and How Your Business Needs to Comply

Learn about the current state of play of major enacted legislation in several states and the requirements of the enacted legislation.

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Career Development

FAST TAKE: Doubling Down on Failure

The following is from the “2018 Report on the State of the Legal Market,” issued in January by The Center for the Legal Profession at Georgetown Law Center, The Thomson Reuters Legal Executive Institute and Peer Monitor: It is not uncommon … for organizations of all kinds...

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Before the Millennial Deluge: Corporate law departments are overwhelmingly unprepared for a seismic generational shift

Multiple factors, from emerging technologies to the use of legal process outsourcing, are transforming the practice of law. But few factors directly influence the changing face of the profession as much as the unprecedented generational shift that is occurring as baby boomers retire and more...

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Labor & Employment

Improving In-House Efficiency: The increasing role of legal department operations professionals

It’s no secret that corporate legal departments are struggling to do more with less. In the aftermath of the 2008 global economic crisis, corporate counsel faced cost pressures and brought more work in-house. Today, legal departments continue to adjust to cost constraints while dealing with...

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Knowledge is Power – and Powerfully Efficient: Law departments deploy KM systems to leverage valuable information assets

“Doing more with less” is increasingly the mantra that corporate law departments are living by. A recent survey by Thomson Reuters found that reducing outside legal spend and managing limited internal resources are two of the top challenges cited by general counsel and decision makers...

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Gain Confidence by Controlling E-discovery: Law Departments Should Insist on Solutions that Deliver Clear Pricing Info

Corporate legal departments are continually under pressure to control their costs. As the expense of litigation continues to increase, it is becoming increasingly important for corporate counsel to manage and control the costs associated with e-discovery, which comprise the majority of their...

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E-Discovery Wish List: What attorneys want in the next generation of e-discovery tools

E-discovery processes have become, and will invariably continue to be, increasingly costly and burdensome for attorneys and their teams. Greater volumes of data are being produced every second, more sources of discoverable data are appearing more often, such as mobile devices and social networks,...

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